Attracting Older Adults to your sporting club

The potential benefits to your club by encouraging older adults active physical participation:
  • Growing membership and supporter base by promotion of older adult active participation opportunities for social sport.
  • Older adults can bring experience, skills and business sense to your club
  • New members add vitality and vigour to clubs
  • Older adults can provide role models for younger members as mentors
  • Diversity enhances all organisations
  • Older adults may have the capacity to bring more local connections and potential sponsors.
  • Open up the sport to new markets.
  • Be innovative in overcoming barriers to participation.
  • A club's ability to attract new members as older adults may be linked to its image, the satisfaction of current members and volunteers, and the quality of what is offered. Selling the virtues of the club through marketing strategies and recruiting events can greatly assist to put your club name and profile in front of potential members. 
  • Is your facility / club accessible and adequately able to cater for older adults?
  • How will you introduce and induct older adult members into the club e.g. a Member Handbook?
  • Are there other formats that might attract different target groups?
  • Have you considered the idea of connecting with local Probus groups, U3A, Mens Sheds and community services that may support Older Adults within your local community?
Useful Resources: