
In short, obtaining grant money creates work. Grants are not a hand-out but rather are attached to the achievement of desired outcomes as specified by the funding body. Clubs need to be careful not to 'grant grab' for the sake of it but rather need to think about the club's future directions and how a grant project could support this. It is easy to get distracted from the main picture when there is cash involved!


  • Have a wish list identifying club needs

  • Produce evidence including data and facts

  • Tell your story 

  • Identify community partners

  • Ensure the funder is aligned to your Vision, Mission & Values.  Do your homework on the funding body 

  • Develop your plan

  • Accurate budgets including realistic costs

  • Adhere to guidelines and criteria 

Vicsport have a great resource that contains details of the latest grants available here, and Sport and Recreation Victoria regularly release grants for the industry on their 'Grants and Funding' page. Vichealth also release grants focussing on promoting good health whcih are available here

Select from the below lightboxes to give your club the leading edge for getting grants.