Attracting New Members

A club's ability to attract new members is strongly linked to its image, the satisfaction of current members and volunteers, and the quality of what is offered. Selling the virtues of the club through marketing strategies and recruiting events can greatly assist to put your club name and profile in front of potential members. Click Here for ideas that clubs have tried to recruit new members. Scroll down for some resources to assist. Some recruiting considerations:

  • Can your facility / club adequately cater for more people?
  • Is the timing right?
  • If recruiting is successful, what other things need to be in place first e.g. sufficient numbers of coaches?
  • Do you have membership trends that need to be addressed e.g. a year level where there is high drop off?
  • How will you introduce and induct new members into the club e.g. a Member Handbook?
  • Are there other formats that might attract different target groups?
Useful Resources:
Sample Codes of Conduct: